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From €16 per month, you can train together 6 days a week during breaks and/or after work.

Participation / FitnessCard

Flexible training with the FitnessCard

The access authorisation to the Fitnesszentrum BergWerk is our FitnessCard. Please print out the FitnessCard confirmation and present it at the BergWerk check-in every time you visit. Alternatively, you can ask our coaches to issue you with a membership card or add your barcode to your Uni Wuppertal app.

The following table lists the various booking options for the FitnessCard with different terms and fees.

Duration Student fee Employee fee
12 months 192 € 228 €
12 months (payment by instalments) 204 € 240 €
6 months 108 € 144 €
6 months (payment by instalments) 114 € 150 €
3 months (extension only) 69 € 99 €
1 months (extension only) 33 € 43 €
14 days SchnupperCard (trial) 10 € 15 €

Book your FitnessCard

The FitnessCard can only be booked after the first Start Up session has been successfully completed.
Note: By booking the FitnessCard, you recognise the current conditions of participation and the BergWerk house rules.

First booking
Only a FitnessCard with a term of 6 or 12 months can be booked for the first time. Your FitnessCard can then be extended for any length of time (1, 3, 6 or 12 months).

Payment by instalments
For the 6-month FitnessCard and the 12-month FitnessCard, we also offer you the option of paying the fee in one lump sum or in instalments.

Book your FitnessCard